Pet Photo shoot.
The Fine Print:
Validity: Expires 90 after purchase (excl. bank holidays)
Purchase: Limit 1 per person. May buy 5 additional as gifts.
Booking: Require by phone 01268-271900 / 07702-128784 / 07982-801898
Please allow 48 hours for cancellation.
Booking times: Monday-Friday 10am, 2pm and 6pm, Saturday- 10am and 2pm and Sunday- 10am, 2pm and 6pm.
Validity: Expires 90 after purchase (excl. bank holidays)
Purchase: Limit 1 per person. May buy 5 additional as gifts.
Booking: Require by phone 01268-271900 / 07702-128784 / 07982-801898
Please allow 48 hours for cancellation.
Booking times: Monday-Friday 10am, 2pm and 6pm, Saturday- 10am and 2pm and Sunday- 10am, 2pm and 6pm.
- Under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult.
- Booking deposit required, £20 (deposit is redeemable)
- Studio retains copyright.
- Viewing can take place on the day. Projects can take up to 8 weeks to be completed after images have been selected.
- Authorization from all parents required (explained over phone for more information ask when booking).